Friday, November 30, 2012

How to Photograph the Moon

Lightstalking posted this article by Mike Panic on how to photograph the moon with 10 great examples.He shares his recommendations for using a tripod, long zoom lens, shutter release cable, best type of camera, ISO, aperture settings, and shutter speeds. The ten example images he shares are beautiful and inspiring!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

How to Create Animated GIF's for Your Blog

I heart faces featured this tutorial by Nicole Hansen on how to create animated GIF's. Also called cinemagraphs, they are a great way to bring more interest to your blog. 
By using 10-20 continuous photos, and Photoshop, this will give an animated feel to your site. She gives a step by step description of how to add this cool feature to your blog!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Restore Heirloom Photographs

Photographer Christine Drescher wrote this article posted at on how to restore old family photographs. She demonstrates in a video how to fix backgrounds and brush out flaws in old photos. 
Check it out here:

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Long Exposure Photography Interview

Looking for something a bit different to try? This interview with photographer Vassilis Tangoulis discusses long exposure photography. It's written by Andrew S. Gibson who is a writer and fine art photographer.
It's part of a series of interviews discussing long exposure photography. He gives some beautiful examples and answers some interesting questions. This article was inspiring and helpful in getting those creative ideas flowing!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Tips for Better Indoor Photos Using Available Light

Popphoto posted this article written by Peter Kolonia describing how Dutch molecular biologist Erik van Hannen shoots indoors using only available light. He gives some great ideas for techniques that help accentuate a room's character and color.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

How the New Facebook Algorithm Affects Your Photography Page

MCP Actions posted this article by a guest writer. It covers a lot of information! Facebook is such a necessary tool for photographers, yet they keep changing. There's been lots of moaning and groaning, but most of us just want to know how to move forward. Social media is a big chunk of how we interact with, and find new clients. Photographers want to shoot, edit and shoot some more. It's a headache to put time into a social media campaign only to find it missing the mark.
That means we may have to rethink how we market ourselves. This information should help you understand how to get your work in front of a larger audience.