Monday, June 17, 2013

FREE Action for Portraits; Basic Edit

Rita at the CoffeeShop Blog has written another amazing tutorial for a basic edit on portraits. She gives step by step instructions, then includes a free action to download.  She calls this one "Portrait ToolBox 1.0" and it works for Photoshop and Photoshop Elements! Some basic knowledge of using layers and layer masks are required but you will get amazing results with these instructions. Her tools include a curves adjustment, skin smoothing, levels adjustment for added contrast, how to make eyes pop, vivid color, sharpening, warm up/cool down, add a vignette, fixing blown out parts of your image, making your portrait pop, and even a bonus black and white conversion!
All of her tutorials, instructions, and freebies are awesome so check this one out here:

Monday, June 10, 2013

4 Easy Steps for Creating a Watermark in Lightroom by Gayle Vehar at Pretty Presets

I just found this excellent tutorial by Gayle Vehar at Pretty Presets for Lightroom.
She shows how to create your own watermark in Lightroom complete with a
 great video. It is super easy!